Argument for the Divine Command theory -

1.  God created the universe and everything in it, including human
2.  If God created human beings, then God has an absolute claim on our
3.  If God has an absolute claim on our obedience, then we should
    always obey God's commands.
4.  Therefore, the Divine Command theory is true.

Argument against the Divine Command theory -

1.  If the Divine Command theory is true, then we should always obey
    God's commands, no matter what they are.
2.  If we should always obey God's commands, no matter what they
    are, then we should do so even if God were to command us to
    commit atrocities, such as to create as much pain among innocent
    children as possible.
3.  It is absurd to think that we should create as much pain among
    innocent children as possible, even if God were to command us to
    do so.
4.  Therefore, the Divine Command theory is not true.