

Jnan Blau   |   Shirley Drew   |   Laura Ellingson   |   Patricia Geist-Martin        Melanie Mills  


The facilitated discussion sessions, organized by Patty Sotirin (Michigan Technological University) and directed by Patricia Geist-Martin (San Diego State University) tasked participants with developing collective statements of faith in ethnography in response to the topics, issues, and ideas introduced by the speakers. These statements are available as audio files on the pages listed by the facilitator’s name. 

We encourage you to visit our blog to comment on and respond to these statements.  It’s our hope that you will keep the conversation going about our commitments to ethnographic work. 

Roundtable Facilitators

  1. Jnan Blau (Michigan Technological University)

  2. Shirley Drew (Pittsburgh State University)

  3. Laura Ellingson (Santa Clara University)

  4. Patricia Geist-Martin (San Diego State University)

  5. Melanie Mills (Eastern Illinois University)

Special thanks to Rebecca Miner, Michigan Tech graduate student, for photographing and videotaping the preconference activities.