
Robin Clair   |   Amira de La Garza   |   Carolyn Ellis    |   Bud Goodall

Stacy Holman-Jones   |    Bob Krizek   |   Gerry Philipsen   |   Bryan C. Taylor

Nick Trujillo   |   John Warren

Amira de la garza

Arizona State University


I think of faith and of the ways in which it was taught to me early on as being about a confidence in things not known...then we were told it was a to HAVE faith.  The only kind of confidence that insured was a confidence of being part of the pack.  There was definitely a lot to be said for that. But as life has taken me down the many roads and detours that have created the stories of who I am and how I make sense of the world, I suddenly realize that the sense of the divine in my life comes from the times when I am not attached to 'rightness' or 'belongingness.'  And in that freedom, the taste of a place where real agency and choice originates arises.  I have faith in this unknowable nothingness because it never lets me down.  This place of nothingness is where all insight and powerful intuition are situated.  This essay tries to share my experience of coming to believe in nothingness.